Finglobenewshour offers translation of financial reports of japanese companies into English language from native languages. Some of the japanese companies do not always prepare their financial reports in both - their native language as well as English. Usually, the larger life sciences companies provide such information in both native as well as English language. But smaller companies do not want to incur expenditure and thus they do not provide such information in English language. And, in order to understand the financial structure and various operations of a foreign life sciences company or a foreign branch of a domestic life sciences company, financial statements often need to be translated.
- Comprehensive focus on japanese companies that publish their financial reports in native languages
- Provides translation services for the companies selected by the user
- Also provides translation of specific set of information for a specific set of life sciences companies as per the need of the user
- Provides translation of annual as well as quarterly financial reports
Key features:
- Our translation services ensure that the users receive accurate, affordable and on-time translations within a completely confidential environment
- Translation done by experienced translators who have expert knowledge of the information that needs to be translated
- $ 199 per report for annual financial pages translation
- $ 149 per report for quarterly financial pages translation
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